KFN ensures supply of Switzerland’s lime demand

Switzerland’s only lime factory is of national importance

Lime products can be put to great variety of uses and are irreplaceable in many industries. Being Switzerland’s only lime factory, KFN is of decisive importance when it comes to supplying its country with this raw material.


According to the Swiss Federal Office of Topography (swisstopo), the country’s most important category of mineral raw materials is that of industrial rocks and minerals, including lime. These raw materials play a central role in our lives: many products that together accompany our daily lives are made from them. Burnt lime products – of fundamental importance in the construction, food and pharmaceutical industries – are made exclusively by KFN in Switzerland, being the only Swiss lime factory. This is the reason why our company is of national importance.

National and regional importance

This is also confirmed by the regional mining concept of the Swiss region of Glarus, specifying KFN, being the only lime producing enterprise of the country as a “special case”, thus underlining its national importance.2 Speaking against the backdrop of a failed referendum against the exploitation of new quarries by KFN, Peter Rufibach, president of the Glarus Chamber of Commerce, was very clear: “KFN is an important company for our region and of national significance as the only Swiss producer of Lime. We must not put these traits in danger!“ We look forward to contributing an important part to the supply of raw materials for Switzerland and we know what responsibility comes with it. Which is why we continue to strive for mining operations that are as considerate as possible and for timely recultivation.

Further information (in German) is available in these documents:

Bericht über die Versorgung der Schweiz mit nichtenergetischen mineralischen Rohstoffen

Abbaukonzept Kanton Glarus