A home for (rare) bees

31 species of wild bees live in the KFN quarry

Around the KFN quarry there is an ideal micro climate for many bee species. The planned addition of deadwood structures aims to improve their living situation, so that the fauna of wild bees will be growing further in the future.

They can be found in empty snail shells, crevices, thin plant stems, steep rock walls and other places: the 31 different wild bee species that live around KFN’s quarry. Among them are rare species like the horn clover rock bee, the two-colored snail shell bee and the yellow-spurred stem bee. This is where they collect pollen, build their nests and breed.

Purposeful use of deadwood

Thanks to the warm microclimate caused by the good exposition and the high rock share of their environment, the bees find ideal conditions at KFN’s site. These are further optimized by KFN’s actions. Whenever possible, dead wood structures are purposefully introduced in their habitat. This is an important contribution to biodiversity. Caused by an ill-informed desire for „cleanliness“ when it comes to dead or dying trees in forests and on meadows, a large number of insects, including bees, face a shortage of deadwood. 

Second life for no longer used mining sites 

KFN’s support of bees and other insects around its quarries is set to increase. As certain mining sites are no longer used as such, the structures used by the bees will be kept and further strengthened. This is how we aim to contribute to biodiversity in our region.